Financial Encyclopedia
Average Analyst recommendation
Average analyst recommendation is a stock forecast based on the forecasts and recommendations of various analysts.
Based on the specifics of the business, the economic situation and the latest reports, some analysts predict that Company X's shares will rise by 15% in the next 3 months, others predict a 25% increase, and still others - a 30% increase. The average recommendation by analysts is "strong buy".
More detailed
Analysts of various financial organizations monitor the activities of companies: they study reports, calculate various indicators and multipliers, and also follow the news. In addition, they monitor the economic / geopolitical situation in individual industries and in the country as a whole.
Further, they determine the most effective actions - to buy shares of the company, hold or sell.
However, even if you follow the recommendations of the best analysts and focus on their forecasts, you may not get the result you expected. Also, an analyst's past success does not guarantee that his new recommendations will be correct.
However, even if you follow the recommendations of the best analysts and focus on their forecasts, you may not get the result you expected. Also, an analyst's past success does not guarantee that his new recommendations will be correct.
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